In a new report which presents the first comprehensive analysis of global tobacco use and control efforts, WHO finds that only 5% of the world's population live in countries that fully protect their population with any one of the key measures that reduce smoking rates. The report also reveals that governments around the world collect 500 times more money in tobacco taxes each year than they spend on anti-tobacco efforts. It finds that tobacco taxes, the single most effective strategy, could be significantly increased in nearly all countries, providing a source of sustainable funding to implement and enforce the recommended approach, a package of six policies called MPOWER (see box). 在第一份研究全球菸草使用與管控的報告中,世衛組織發現,每個國內每一種減菸的措施,只可以完全保護約全球5%的人。第二,他們發現菸草稅的收入約為菸草防治預算的五百倍。所以,該組織向各國提出建言,可以再去提高菸草稅,以有穩定的收入來防制菸害,並且提出了MPOWER的防治口訣。
"While efforts to combat tobacco are gaining momentum, virtually every country needs to do more. These six strategies are within the reach of every country, rich or poor and, when combined as a package, they offer us the best chance of reversing this growing epidemic," said Dr Margaret Chan, Director-General of WHO. Dr Chan launched the WHO Report of the Global Tobacco Epidemic at a news conference with New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Bloomberg Philanthropies helped fund the report. “反煙越來越流行了,各國必頇做更多事情來反菸的時候到了!以下六個祕訣可以在窮國與富國使用,讓我們逐步擊退這個流行病”世衛組織秘書長陳馮富珍說到,而這研究計畫的資助者布倫伯格基金會的創始人-紐約市長布羅柏格(Michael Bloomberg)也在場。
"The report released today is revolutionary," Mayor Bloomberg said. "For the first time, we have both a rigorous approach to stop the tobacco epidemic and solid data to hold us all accountable. No country fully implements all of the MPOWER policies and 80% of countries don't fully implement even one policy. While tobacco control measures are sometimes controversial, they save lives and governments need to step up and do the right thing." “這報告是非常創新的”布倫伯格說到”第一次,我們有了堅強的政策與實在的數據;沒有一個國家確實實行了MPOWER,也有80%的國家連一項都沒有做好!儘管反菸一直有些爭議性,但是政府應該起身來做這些保護人的措施。”
The six MPOWER strategies are:
Monitor tobacco use and prevention policies 監控菸草使用與預防的政策
Protect people from tobacco smoke 預防二手菸
Offer help to quit tobacco use 協助戒菸
Warn about the dangers of tobacco 宣傳吸煙的危害
Enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship
加強對 “菸草廣告、宣傳、贊助” 的禁令
Raise taxes on tobacco 提高菸草稅
The report also documents the epidemic's shift to the developing world, where 80% of the more than eight million annual tobacco-related deaths projected by 2030 are expected to occur. 這報告同時指出,這樣的危害正擴散到開發中國家,預計到了2030的時候,一年會有八百萬人死於吸菸相關疾病,而且有八成以上會出現在開發中國家。
This shift, the report says, results from a global tobacco industry strategy to target young people and adults in the developing world, ensuring that millions of people become fatally addicted every year. The targeting of young women in particular is highlighted as one of the "most ominous potential developments of the epidemic's growth." 報告中指出,這樣的轉變是因為煙商保目標轉向開發中國家的年輕人,希望讓他們成癮;此外,對當地年輕女性的病因轉變,更可以說事潛在主導問題。
The global analysis, compiled by WHO with information provided by 179 Member States, gives governments and other groups a baseline from which to monitor efforts to stop the epidemic in the years ahead. The MPOWER package provides countries with a roadmap to help them meet their commitments to the widely embraced global tobacco treaty known as the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, which came into force in 2005.世衛組織旗下179的會員國會提供菸草監管的資料,再經組織整合;這項MPOWER口訣,可以幫助各國達到2005年生效的世界菸草管控架構(WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control)。
WHO is also working with global partners to scale-up the help that can be offered to countries to implement the strategies. 世衛組織也與其他的全球夥伴期許提供這些國家一些幫助,來施行這些策略。
Dr Douglas Bettcher, Director of WHO's Tobacco Free Initiative, said the six MPOWER strategies would create a powerful response to the tobacco epidemic. "This package will create an enabling environment to help current tobacco users quit, protect people from second-hand smoke and prevent young people from taking up the habit," he said. 無煙計畫的總裁,貝裘博士(Dr Douglas Bettcher)認為MPOWER一定會對煙草氾濫狀況產生很大的影響。”這些計畫可以使人戒菸、預防二手菸、防止新人成癮。”
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